Lunch/Breakfast Fees:
Lunch/Breakfast Fees:
Breakfast: CEP Free
Breakfast: CEP Free
Lunch: CEP Free
Nondiscrimination Statement 3-1-24.docx
Nondiscrimination Statement
Nondiscrimination Statement
Updated: 3/1/2024
Civil Rights Complain Procedure
Civil Rights Complain Procedure
Updated: 3/1/2024
Special Nutritional Needs Request Procedures for 2023-24.doc
Special Nutrition Needs Request
Special Nutrition Needs Request
Updated: 3/1/2024
Request for Special Dietary Accommodations
Request for Special Dietary Accommodations
Updated: 3/1/2024
National School Lunch/Breakfast Program
National School Lunch/Breakfast Program
Households may apply for benefits at any time during the school year. Household members do not have to be U.S. citizens for children to qualify for free or reduced-price meals and/or completing the form has no impact on immigration status.
Households may apply for benefits at any time during the school year. Household members do not have to be U.S. citizens for children to qualify for free or reduced-price meals and/or completing the form has no impact on immigration status.
Family income surveys are used to determine other federal nutrition assistance and education funding.
Family income surveys are used to determine other federal nutrition assistance and education funding.
Updated: 8/24/2024
lettertohouseholds-non-pricing_provisionschools_24-25 (4) (2).docx
2024-25child_nutrition_eligibility_and_education_benefit_application_fillable (3).pdf
If you need this information in another language,
please call Sprague (509) 257-2511 or Lamont (509) 257-2463
If you need this information in another language,
please call Sprague (509) 257-2511 or Lamont (509) 257-2463