Highly Capable Program


Services for Highly Capable students are available in the Sprague and Lamont School Districts for grades K-12 in accordance to Chapter 392-170 of the Washington Administrative Code. Only students currently enrolled in Sprague or Lamont Districts in grades K-12 are eligible for Highly Capable services. A teacher, parent, guardian, peer, the student, or any person who has knowledge of the student’s abilities may initiate a referral for highly capable services.

Each year, all 2nd and 5th graders will participate in an universal screener.  However, any student may be referred, regardless of grade level.  Referral forms are available using this link or in the district offices.  Referrals may be submitted any time throughout the year.  The Highly Capable Team will meet twice per year to process referrals.  Multiple objective criteria will be used for identification of qualified students by a multi-disciplinary selection committee.  Parent permission must be obtained before conducting any assessments for eligibility.  Copies of Parent permission may be found here (Highly Capable Program Forms).
